Monday, February 05, 2007


It's slump! it's slump! it's slump! it's in my's slump! it's slump! it's slump! is bloggy dead? (please read to the tune of 'Lump' by the Presidents Of The United States, remember they also had that song called 'Peaches'?) a slump here, don't know if I'll be composing much this week...

gZa and I used to be in an ultracool, super exclusive club called SLUMP. Admittedly we were the only active members....

Wait! Jodes was in there too.


Oh Joy said...

Oh come on now, don't you rememer JJ? She was in Slump too. Though you did say ACTIVE members and I don't know that anyone else was active.

So I have no idea why you aren't planning a composition for this week.

catherine said...

thanks for getting that song in my head - when i was in grade 7-9 i used to listen to the presidents of the united states every morning as i was horribly applying what makeup i could steal from my mom's drawer without her noticing... good memories... remember the song 'kitty on my back porch'.. oh, maybe that's not it... i forget, but very memorable for me none the less... along with weezer

Oh Joy said...

When I was in grades 7 to 9 I listened to a lot of Poison. Every rose does indeed have it's thorn.

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