There are two kinds of falseys, maybe three: The Good, The Bad and the OOgly.
The Good?
That includes those wonderful little silicone things that resemble uncooked chicken as an alternative to rather invasive and dangerous surgery, those who know what I am talking about you know who you are! It's also great what they can do with fake teeth now too.....porcelain veneers are good falseys. No one wants a real fire alarm so falsey's of those are okay too.
The Bad?
tattooed on eyebrows or eyeliner. Fake moles that are glued on or drawn on and of course counterfeit money. Also, I think it's safe to say that most false hair meant to disguise obvious balding could be classified as 'bad-falsey-ness.'
The Oogly?
That is hands down the 36 week pregnant body tricking you into thinking it's really 'that time' and you've already been to the city and back and have to make your husband drive you back into the city at 11 pm just to be told, finally around 3 am that you have just suffered an episode of false labour!
At least they didn't kick us out of the hospital, they did let us stay for about 4 hours to 'have a little rest' before driving all the way home again. I guess it's just good practice to have a 'dry run' to make sure we know what do before the actual not-so-falsey day. (I hope your catching my sarcasm 'cuz I am laying it on pretty thick.)
So there you have it.....old western movies will always be relevant to our everyday lives.
glad to see you've joined the blogging world...really it is the darkside
glad you got your falsy-run out of your system - praying for a safe and healthy delivery in "DUE" time!
I'm in SK tomorrow. Will call you then
See you soon?
oH most excellent! Yes do call when you have an open slot for an appointment with me and my bulbous self.
Ok, for the record, we think you are one great blogger.
Just tho't you should know.
Finally something to read on the fartin' website. Honestly. Took long enough. Sheesh.
You bring little blondie for visit right soon already.
And for the record, I personally have NO CLUE what you are talking about. Chicken? People put chicken on their boobs???
HA! I said nothing about boobs! What on earth are YOU talking about! Tee hee hee......
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