Saturday, August 05, 2006

For Posterity....

This post is mostly for my sake, taking advantage of the diary initiative that is Bloggy. So read on if you like but remember it's just a way of keeping track of my life for later on down the road when I can't remember what the hell it is I have done.

This week we are off to Christopher Lake to partake in our version of camping which is borrowing Auntie Margaret's cabin. Flebb and I met there, and it's always refreshing to go back to 'where it all began'. Our 6th, yes I said sixth, anniversary will come and go while we are away. Have to say we've accomplished and demolished quite a bit in the last 6 years. I realize this is not REALLY my personal diary so I'll stop there. Anyway, perhaps some funny incident will fall upon us in our travels and I will have more flibirdijibitisms then?



Angela Oliver said...

that sucks
and the curtain is cute.

are you gonna have to shower "in the open now"?
As an aside...
I met someone that knew you from Heart Attack years - Rick G.

He brought a team for MA - It was great fun!
Camping sounds fun.
leigh and I went camping and had a fab time.

flibirdijibit said...

cool! I 'member Rick! I never toured with him but he was in Morning Star before me. Nice Guy. NO showering in the open, just got a different curtain is all!

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