Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Really! I'm A Deadbeat.

So after yesterday I may be just changing the whole title of this blog and everything I do to 'memoirs of a deadbeat mom'.

I actually MISSED parent watching day at Nova/Hovda's (3 year old daughter) dance class! Yep.

Sorbet had a nap, woke her up from nap to take Hovda (I like that misunderstanding of her name best I think, although no one made a silver spoon with that name on it for her as they did Nova, right, this is deserving of a post...) to her dance lesson and in true deadbeat form as it is a very small town and the temperature is very frigid at the moment I opted to leave my baby in the warm van while I took Hovda in for the lesson. I did it quickly and efficiently and Hovda specifically asked me to let her go in herself and to 'have fun at home' as if she knew it was parent watching day and she wanted me to FAIL! So I obeyed her every word and went home! Totally forgetting about the special day and ONLY day that Momma's get to watch their baby's grow up to be (not cowboy's) but dancers.

I remembered this was happening, unfortunately, long after the class was over and then asked Hovda if the Mommies were there today and she said cheerfully 'yep! and some daddies too!but you weren't there! (ya deadbeat!)'

1 comment:

Ariana said...

I need to hear this spoon story.

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