This gas funnies post is SO over. I am as sick of it as anyone who bothers coming over here anymore (Wilma) and it's time for me to pool the creative juices together, possibly time for me to relay one of the true, yet timeless tales of my youth that make me the indefatigable flibirdijibit I am today. If anyone cares, I actually did a very flibirdijibit thing just this week! Also a deadbeat thing, I think I'm a hybrid of some sort. Yep. flibirdi-deadbeat or flibirdidedbit...
Once again it's my turn to be producer for the play that our group 'The Prairieland Player's' is rehearsing. Flibirdijibit's around the world know it's dangerous to give us really any responsibilities, stuff with deadlines - that sort of thing but on I go taking little responsibilities in the hopes that somehow it will all work itself out. Will it? As a side note: if I didn't have any so called responsibilities (and I am getting very tired of typing this particular word & seem to misspell it every time so from now on I will use a different word that is easier to type :' jobs'.) I don't believe I be would this weird hybrid I just labelled myself as above. But such is life. I have two 'jobs' under age 5 already and have so proven my 'occasional' flibirdi-deadbeatedness with that on several occasions!
In the words of Wilma, I digress...
Whoa! Time warp! It's been two months since I started typing this post but at the imminent threat of Wilma de-linking me from her blog I feel I must trudge on......
So what was I talking about? Oh, Yah.... I am the producer for the play and I suck at it. When I started this post I had 'forgotten' to actually book the hall for practice times....whatever. My deabeatedness reaches far beyond the grasps of 'not booking venues for practises' . I am over that incident now and what I really wan to talk about is my tendency to be overly 'friendly', I seem to have a nimiety (noo werd) of friendliness inside. So much so that it annoys the crap out of those I try to extend it too!
For Example: We have this 'splurge' group we started in town. It's a group of regular girls getting together once a month to discuss life, shopping and recently how charmless and superfluously affable I am. I being immoderately cordial, decided to invite a local & new gal to the monthly invitation was met with this....
"ummm, I've already been asked 3 times!" in a rather annoyed manner.
~I am nothing if I am not too friendly and inviting~
Said invited girl continued on with procacious remarks and inquiries eluding to us extending interest only because we need her monthly contribution not because we might actually be interested in her friendship. Too bad. If 3 separate people ask you to join a particular group.....more than likely they just wanna be your friend.
And indubitably, in obeisance to our splurge assemblage this past Saturday evening, I used a Thesaurus to fashion this entry!
Thursday, September 06, 2007
Monday, June 04, 2007
It's a Gas!
(If you're having trouble seeing these just double click on them and a new window will open with it in full size)

Sunday, June 03, 2007
Happy Birfday Joyous One!

Ode to Joy
this is her moment this is her day
she likes to drink coffee or reeb lemonade.
she likes all things saffron, amber & yellow.
especially gemstones she gets from her fellow.
if shopping for shoes, lipgloss or what- not
just ask GlenZa, she'll know what is hot!
Happy Birfday GlenZa!
Tuesday, May 29, 2007
This is SO true! I loves me a grilled cheese with a pickle!
You Are a Grilled Cheese Sandwich |
![]() You are a traditional person with very simple tastes. In your opinion, the best things in life are free, easy, and fun. You totally go with the flow. And you enjoy every minute of it! Your best friend: The Peanut Butter and Jelly Sandwich Your mortal enemy: The Ham Sandwich |
Saturday, May 19, 2007
Wednesday, May 16, 2007
They Dumped Me!
Well I'll have to remove Pandora from the site. They broke up with me. Me and all the other Canadians that were having a passionate, musical love affair with them.
They have broken my heart.
My poor musically unsatisfied heart.
They have broken my heart.
My poor musically unsatisfied heart.
Tuesday, May 08, 2007
Miracle Worker
I went to Miracle Worker and VOILA! the hEck is gone.
Just an update. I know you are all waiting with bated breath..........
Now I am off to fix other problems that concern my head. Like my teeth, for instance.
Just an update. I know you are all waiting with bated breath..........
Now I am off to fix other problems that concern my head. Like my teeth, for instance.
Monday, April 23, 2007
Week Long HECK
So yeah, I haven't been posting. Yeah, I know it gets lame when my posts consist of links to other websites......whatever.
For the past week I have had this nasty, persisitent headache or HECK as we call it in my family. Think it's my neck. Think it's my tumor. Think it's allergies. I know that some like to slather the VICKS allover to fix this vexation. Some take all the pills. Some just lay in a quiet, dark room. I have tried all these things but nothing has worked yet. I seem to rememeber this same HECK visiting me at the same time two years ago. A massage helped me then.
It's settled. That's what I need. Tomorow I must set out for that service to be rendered upon me.
For the past week I have had this nasty, persisitent headache or HECK as we call it in my family. Think it's my neck. Think it's my tumor. Think it's allergies. I know that some like to slather the VICKS allover to fix this vexation. Some take all the pills. Some just lay in a quiet, dark room. I have tried all these things but nothing has worked yet. I seem to rememeber this same HECK visiting me at the same time two years ago. A massage helped me then.
It's settled. That's what I need. Tomorow I must set out for that service to be rendered upon me.
Wednesday, March 07, 2007
Cool Toy Thing
This is such a cool toy that makes music! It's fun to manipulate if you have a few minutes....
Friday, March 02, 2007
Celebrity Judge!
That's right folks! I got to be a celebrity judge at the school science fair today!!!
~Okay, so, they didn't really say I was a 'celebrity' judge but that's how I took it anyway~
What fun it was. What joy. Pretty smart kids in our community!
It's kinda dull in bloggy land these days. I know this post doesn't meet with the highest of standards, there's not even any pictures but....well....maybe I can find a picture that relates.
Nope. Nothing.
~Okay, so, they didn't really say I was a 'celebrity' judge but that's how I took it anyway~
What fun it was. What joy. Pretty smart kids in our community!
It's kinda dull in bloggy land these days. I know this post doesn't meet with the highest of standards, there's not even any pictures but....well....maybe I can find a picture that relates.
Nope. Nothing.
Sunday, February 25, 2007
It's On!
Alright people. It's time to put on your game face and 'bring it' unless of course it's, you know, 'already been broughten' (those of you who watched that movie know....)
It's Oscar Time!!! Red Carpet Time!!! It's 'NOT THE LOSER' time!!!
I think the contest will be neck and neck this year......
It's Oscar Time!!! Red Carpet Time!!! It's 'NOT THE LOSER' time!!!
I think the contest will be neck and neck this year......
Wednesday, February 14, 2007
The Revealing
No, I won't be posting pictures of me without my 'garmentary' as mentioned in the comments of the previous post, but I now will reveal the source of my recent monetary disappointment. The monetary disappointment in the amount of $27.90.
This past fall I relinquished my former 'factory' clothing to a consignment store in Berrytropolis. In total I surmise that I spent in excess of $500 for these special garments that covered my, now retired, manufacturer of quality products like Sorbet and Nova.
This was a ginormous bag of goods, and all sold, boiled down to less than a spanky new pair of jeans for me. See, they were supposed to give back the unsold merchandise but when I was there they told me it had ALL sold and that was all that I got for it (40% cut). So I left the place of consignment, disillusioned and kinda mad. I had really hoped to get at least enough for some spanky new JEANS!!!
My day was cut short due to funding and I arrived home at a very reasonable hour, only to receive a call from the place - I have decided is my personal charity case for the year and will claim this incident on my taxes as such - saying 'oops! we found your bag of leftover clothes here' and 'can you just come in and pick those up before months end or we'll send them over to another charity case we know called Sally Ann?'
Right. I'll just boogie on in there to pick that up - stat.
This past fall I relinquished my former 'factory' clothing to a consignment store in Berrytropolis. In total I surmise that I spent in excess of $500 for these special garments that covered my, now retired, manufacturer of quality products like Sorbet and Nova.
This was a ginormous bag of goods, and all sold, boiled down to less than a spanky new pair of jeans for me. See, they were supposed to give back the unsold merchandise but when I was there they told me it had ALL sold and that was all that I got for it (40% cut). So I left the place of consignment, disillusioned and kinda mad. I had really hoped to get at least enough for some spanky new JEANS!!!
My day was cut short due to funding and I arrived home at a very reasonable hour, only to receive a call from the place - I have decided is my personal charity case for the year and will claim this incident on my taxes as such - saying 'oops! we found your bag of leftover clothes here' and 'can you just come in and pick those up before months end or we'll send them over to another charity case we know called Sally Ann?'
Right. I'll just boogie on in there to pick that up - stat.
Sunday, February 11, 2007
Guessing Game.
So guess what this number means to me this week:
It has a significance. A rather disappointing one at that.
It has a significance. A rather disappointing one at that.
Monday, February 05, 2007
It's slump! it's slump! it's slump! it's in my's slump! it's slump! it's slump! is bloggy dead? (please read to the tune of 'Lump' by the Presidents Of The United States, remember they also had that song called 'Peaches'?) a slump here, don't know if I'll be composing much this week...
gZa and I used to be in an ultracool, super exclusive club called SLUMP. Admittedly we were the only active members....
Wait! Jodes was in there too. a slump here, don't know if I'll be composing much this week...
gZa and I used to be in an ultracool, super exclusive club called SLUMP. Admittedly we were the only active members....
Wait! Jodes was in there too.
Thursday, February 01, 2007
Wednesday, January 24, 2007
I went to my own special 'dead beat mom's' viewing of the dance class this week, as the teacher made allowance for me. I was the only Mom there.
That's how I like it.
Even if it means I have to do the dead beat thing to get there, I want the special treatment.....
That's how I like it.
Even if it means I have to do the dead beat thing to get there, I want the special treatment.....
Tuesday, January 23, 2007
I Just Love My Dots!
I just love all the little dots on my ClustrMap!
I find it very exciting when there is a new dot that comes from somewhere far away. I wonder who the dot is, how they came to find flibirdijibit etc. ....
Pimping The Blog (in the words of GlenZa) has been very rewarding.
Hello DOTS!
I find it very exciting when there is a new dot that comes from somewhere far away. I wonder who the dot is, how they came to find flibirdijibit etc. ....
Pimping The Blog (in the words of GlenZa) has been very rewarding.
Hello DOTS!
Friday, January 19, 2007
Monster Bait
This one comes from the vault of stories that make up the meatlover, flibirdijibit and dead beat I am today. It's a classic tale told in the EntireRooster family and I am sure it will be passed down and treasured from generation to generation as it shows real humanity and depth of character in times when you just don't wanna eat what your mom gives you for lunch....
I don't remember how old I was when this incident took place, probably old enough to know better. Definitely old enough to know NEVER to do it again!
One morning I was playing in my room and my Momba (being the good caregiver she was) called me down for lunch. I did not go down for lunch so she brought my lunch up to me in my room. The lunch from what I can remember consisted of one blackened, BBQed wiener. I took the wiener from my Momba had one bite, hated the blackened, charcoal-ness of it and discarded it into my drawer where I stored my unmentionables. I did this, I think, because I didn't want my Momba to know I wasn't eating it. I whined a little when she gave it to me and she told me to 'just eat it anyway' because that was 'what's for lunch', sounds like just the kind of dead beat thing I would say now! So I hid it, there, in my underwear drawer and just as though my drawer really were an incinerator, I forgot about it......for a very long time.
One day, I went to get pyjama's on to get ready for bed and to my complete horror I found little wormies and grubblies on my fuzzy fleecies! At the time, and to date, this occurrence caused great fright in me and a weak little shriek escaped from my lungs followed by blood curdling whelps of emotional anguish for someone to please come and rescue ME, my PYJAMA'S and my 'tighty whiteys' from the tiny monsters that had invaded my dresser!
Help came, Help found the source of attraction to my dresser drawers, Help removed all monsters and Help removed the monster bait: The Wiener.
I don't remember how old I was when this incident took place, probably old enough to know better. Definitely old enough to know NEVER to do it again!
One morning I was playing in my room and my Momba (being the good caregiver she was) called me down for lunch. I did not go down for lunch so she brought my lunch up to me in my room. The lunch from what I can remember consisted of one blackened, BBQed wiener. I took the wiener from my Momba had one bite, hated the blackened, charcoal-ness of it and discarded it into my drawer where I stored my unmentionables. I did this, I think, because I didn't want my Momba to know I wasn't eating it. I whined a little when she gave it to me and she told me to 'just eat it anyway' because that was 'what's for lunch', sounds like just the kind of dead beat thing I would say now! So I hid it, there, in my underwear drawer and just as though my drawer really were an incinerator, I forgot about it......for a very long time.
One day, I went to get pyjama's on to get ready for bed and to my complete horror I found little wormies and grubblies on my fuzzy fleecies! At the time, and to date, this occurrence caused great fright in me and a weak little shriek escaped from my lungs followed by blood curdling whelps of emotional anguish for someone to please come and rescue ME, my PYJAMA'S and my 'tighty whiteys' from the tiny monsters that had invaded my dresser!
Help came, Help found the source of attraction to my dresser drawers, Help removed all monsters and Help removed the monster bait: The Wiener.
Tuesday, January 16, 2007
Really! I'm A Deadbeat.
So after yesterday I may be just changing the whole title of this blog and everything I do to 'memoirs of a deadbeat mom'.
I actually MISSED parent watching day at Nova/Hovda's (3 year old daughter) dance class! Yep.
Sorbet had a nap, woke her up from nap to take Hovda (I like that misunderstanding of her name best I think, although no one made a silver spoon with that name on it for her as they did Nova, right, this is deserving of a post...) to her dance lesson and in true deadbeat form as it is a very small town and the temperature is very frigid at the moment I opted to leave my baby in the warm van while I took Hovda in for the lesson. I did it quickly and efficiently and Hovda specifically asked me to let her go in herself and to 'have fun at home' as if she knew it was parent watching day and she wanted me to FAIL! So I obeyed her every word and went home! Totally forgetting about the special day and ONLY day that Momma's get to watch their baby's grow up to be (not cowboy's) but dancers.
I remembered this was happening, unfortunately, long after the class was over and then asked Hovda if the Mommies were there today and she said cheerfully 'yep! and some daddies too!but you weren't there! (ya deadbeat!)'
I actually MISSED parent watching day at Nova/Hovda's (3 year old daughter) dance class! Yep.
Sorbet had a nap, woke her up from nap to take Hovda (I like that misunderstanding of her name best I think, although no one made a silver spoon with that name on it for her as they did Nova, right, this is deserving of a post...) to her dance lesson and in true deadbeat form as it is a very small town and the temperature is very frigid at the moment I opted to leave my baby in the warm van while I took Hovda in for the lesson. I did it quickly and efficiently and Hovda specifically asked me to let her go in herself and to 'have fun at home' as if she knew it was parent watching day and she wanted me to FAIL! So I obeyed her every word and went home! Totally forgetting about the special day and ONLY day that Momma's get to watch their baby's grow up to be (not cowboy's) but dancers.
I remembered this was happening, unfortunately, long after the class was over and then asked Hovda if the Mommies were there today and she said cheerfully 'yep! and some daddies too!but you weren't there! (ya deadbeat!)'
Saturday, January 13, 2007
While I was auditioning photos for my updated bloggy profile GlenZa came across this one that was taken at her New Years party by me in front of her 'pooter. Well I think you can see why it failed the test as it gives off the (oobey doobey doo...) impression that I am watching you as you navigate the pages of bloggy world. Also I think we should call to attention that the really green parts are there to emphasize the very warm or greasy areas of ones face. Just Beautiful.

Friday, January 12, 2007
figured out titles!
finally I have figured out how to make my posts have titles instead of just the first few lines of my post....what a relief!
so I am thinking of changing the whole look of my blog to be more customized to, well, me and not so much like the many other blogs.....
I may be trying out different things thru the next few days. So just bear with me. It may be fun to just see what the look of the day is.
so maybe possibly it will be bye bye DOTS.
so I am thinking of changing the whole look of my blog to be more customized to, well, me and not so much like the many other blogs.....
I may be trying out different things thru the next few days. So just bear with me. It may be fun to just see what the look of the day is.
so maybe possibly it will be bye bye DOTS.
Monday, January 08, 2007
New Word
Is it just a funny coincidence that my 3 year old daughter's word for booze is...
Saturday, January 06, 2007
Special Poem
I made meat balls for supper......I love a meat ball sub.
ribs, wings, steaks and roast
meat has it all,
it gives us the most.
fried, baked, fondue, bar-B-qued
oh meat it is true,
you're my favorite food.
I know there are others out there who feel the same way. It's natural. It's right. Let me share this picture with you....
Ode to Meat
(dedicated to GloTox as we share the same fondness)
chicken, cow, piggy or fish
meat is where it's at,
(dedicated to GloTox as we share the same fondness)
chicken, cow, piggy or fish
meat is where it's at,
meat is my wish.
ribs, wings, steaks and roast
meat has it all,
it gives us the most.
fried, baked, fondue, bar-B-qued
oh meat it is true,
you're my favorite food.
I know there are others out there who feel the same way. It's natural. It's right. Let me share this picture with you....

Friday, January 05, 2007
Sorbet & Meat
Well it's been too long since me blogged. And since it is GlenZa's 'make a wish' that I blog once again I will start with something simple. Last night after a very unfortunate medicine getting incident for Sorbet (as we now call her) I lay awake. I lay awake thinkin'. Then I got laughing. I was laughing about silly things that happened during the day. This is a list of my favorite things that happened yesterday.
1) GlenZa trying to sharpen a 'flat' eye pencil. Then I was thinking about why would they manufacture an eye pencil that is so inconveniently shaped for sharpening?
2) Also the unfortunate medicine getting incident was not funny while it was happening but it got funny immediately after. You see everything just went wrong. It's was 1:30. I had just fallen asleep. Sorbet woke up with her nasty cold/cough crying. I went to get her. Decided medicine is what she needed. Went to get the medicine, couldn't open it with my wee, small , weak hands. Had to 'wake up' Flebb. Even though he was already awake from the tiny screaming body that was awake wanting meds. He opened the bottle, then I lost the little syringe thingy in the bottle, swore loudly, put the baby by Flebb, went to find tweezers to get the syringe out. Then there wasn't enough medicine in the bottle to get any out so had to pour some in a cup and get it out that way, then finally got satisfaction and put the meds in the baby. Went back to bed. This seemed really funny to me when I should have been going to sleep. It's almost impossible for me to be rational at night with a crying baby that just wants to be on me so much that when I try to put her down she squeezes my hip with her tiny little legs and grips my neck with her little arms. Right, so maybe that was more my favorite thing rather than the medicine trying to get me committed....
3) The meat that I ate for supper. We really do have a great butcher in town and if were up to me, which I guess it really is, we would do ALL of our grocery shopping there and forgo the whole produce, bread and what not food groups.
4) The meat I ate on my sandwich later on in the evening.
And on that fond note I feel I should stop. I just got off the phone with GlenZa and she got me all excited about chili and/or hamburger soup. Just so you know if I ever do a post of this variety again, the meat will most like make an appearance.
1) GlenZa trying to sharpen a 'flat' eye pencil. Then I was thinking about why would they manufacture an eye pencil that is so inconveniently shaped for sharpening?
2) Also the unfortunate medicine getting incident was not funny while it was happening but it got funny immediately after. You see everything just went wrong. It's was 1:30. I had just fallen asleep. Sorbet woke up with her nasty cold/cough crying. I went to get her. Decided medicine is what she needed. Went to get the medicine, couldn't open it with my wee, small , weak hands. Had to 'wake up' Flebb. Even though he was already awake from the tiny screaming body that was awake wanting meds. He opened the bottle, then I lost the little syringe thingy in the bottle, swore loudly, put the baby by Flebb, went to find tweezers to get the syringe out. Then there wasn't enough medicine in the bottle to get any out so had to pour some in a cup and get it out that way, then finally got satisfaction and put the meds in the baby. Went back to bed. This seemed really funny to me when I should have been going to sleep. It's almost impossible for me to be rational at night with a crying baby that just wants to be on me so much that when I try to put her down she squeezes my hip with her tiny little legs and grips my neck with her little arms. Right, so maybe that was more my favorite thing rather than the medicine trying to get me committed....
3) The meat that I ate for supper. We really do have a great butcher in town and if were up to me, which I guess it really is, we would do ALL of our grocery shopping there and forgo the whole produce, bread and what not food groups.
4) The meat I ate on my sandwich later on in the evening.
And on that fond note I feel I should stop. I just got off the phone with GlenZa and she got me all excited about chili and/or hamburger soup. Just so you know if I ever do a post of this variety again, the meat will most like make an appearance.
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