Jaime's Blog = BORING!!!!!
Recently, it has been brought to my attention on more than one occasion that my blog......well...it sucks! It gives me more than a little discomfort to know that all my (4) frequent readers have let me know how boring I really am. It's not that I do not have enough fodder to fuel the bloggy fire, and it's not that I don't have the time-I mean I know at least one other mother of a two month old who does very well at blogging on a regular basis for the MASS that so enjoys frequenting her page. No, it's more like 'bloggy stage fright'. Fear of disappointing all my (4) frequent readers. But now I see through extensive research (I've talked to 4 people) that my failure to blog is just that.......complete and utter failure, bringing intense disappointment & sadness to all my (4) frequent readers. So I apologize right here and now for sucking like a hungry infant at the bottle, or what have you........So here is my attempt at getting back up on the neglected little bloggy horse and giving your poor, 'inside the head of a flibirdijibit' deprived minds a break from all the unused bloggy space that is this right here. In case you are wondering, the picture to the left represents me and the neglected little bloggy horse as we embark on a new more verbose phase in our relationship. I just love Gumby! Don't you?
Who is no. 4????? There are really FOUR followers??? Me, Angie, your mom and who else? Sev? He doesn't really count. He's just being nice by reading your blogs. He actually doesn't much care even.
But glad to see you are back.
Now come for coffee.
Oh Pebbles ~ you are SO not boring and neither is your blog. I love your blog. I read it every day. The same posts. Over and over.
I know that your life is full of fun and exciting things, and when you get the time between feeding and smacking the children, I know you will share all your fabulous stories with the masses.
Plus I need you to take some heat off my, cuz those internet readers sure get restless fast when there isn't any new stuff on the blog. Believe me, I hear about it too!
Pebbles! Are you really afraid of disapointing us? Have you considered that the biggest disapointment is no bloggy at all? H'mmm? I will give you a second chance, and will start checking for updates on a regular basis again.
And yes, I also love Gumby.
Okay, since there are three distinct commenters here and I know our little Ang checks your blog and that is four...oh saddness, your own mother does NOT read your blog. Oh double whammy, neither does your husband!!!!! So sad.
I guess there were more than 4? Wow! That's a lot o' folks to write for!
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