So you know how you can have your 'pooter run a little slideshow on it's screen while you are neglecting it?
Well, you can imagine my horrified surprise when I look over at my (demon possessed) 'pooter and see this image just lackadaisically floating by as if there's nothing wrong with this picture and that it somehow belongs on my screen.....which it does not as I am absolutely freaked out by old creepy dolls! I know there are others of you out there who share this very real fear and also know that my past is speckled with the hauntings of these mean little plastic creations.
I need a moment.....
okay, I think I am ready to perform the exorcism ritual to rid this image from my hard drive.
Where did it come from?!!!!!
See after we put the links in it started putting your blogs down the side in smaller lettering. NOt sure I like that.
anywho, that is FREAKY. You know I think it's freaky! In fact I think you are a jerk for putting that on the screen for me to see.
Well now I can't even email it to you to 'grace' the nooks and crannies of your pooter as I did said exorcism rituals already. Emailing it would be very mean. Very mean indeed.
That sure was a freaky friday moment for you. So glad you exorcised.
It's fake. And that's okay. Fake can be just as good as real. Like if you wanted a Kate bag and you weren't born with one, then fake is fine. You see? Even if you are paying for it, it's fine. FINE.
I agree, fake is fine, fake is fabulous. But do we NEED to call attention to it's fakeness in a crowd of people? No, no we do not. It only makes us feel cheap and like our real pieces of chicken are too small.
Hi, as the owner of the doll that has been "deleted" from flibirdijibit's computer, I feel it is necessary to make a statement. The doll has a name - Penny" and she is about 45 years old. She is wearing her original dress. Really,you should feel sorry for her as one of feet is slightly mashed, thanks to my brother. She is not a walking doll but she is 36 inches tall. She is certainly not mean or creepy. Actually she is in terrific shape for her age and her mind is crystal clear. Get to know her - you'll like her.
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